A priest receives anywhere between 4 and 8 years of instruction and practice before he is commissioned to live out his vocation. By contrast, we typically recieve one day of training.
Married love requires that we become serious about our training. Honeymoon love does not automatically mature into the fine wine of profound unity. God invites us into the depths of vulnerable and unconditional receptivity.
Marriage University is four semesters long and developed for couples who want to grow old together. Each course consists of 8 weeks of classes. The classes are personal so that the content can be applied to your unique situation. Excercises in self knowledge, lessons in relationship finesse, and practical skills training make up the content.
Many marriages wait until the cycles of hurt have become habitual before seeking help. For those who want a smoother path, we offer Marriage Universtiy. We find that learning these practical skills is a giddy adventure.