More about us

I am a Mechanical Product Design Engineer turned Marriage Coach. After redesigning our marriage, God invited me to devote my professional life to sharing this truly Good News.

We met each other at the Newman center on the UW-Madison campus in 1995. We were both active leaders in the ministry there while studying. Erica graduated with a double major in anthropology and history, Marco as a mechanical engineer. We were married in 2000. I have worked as a carpenter, furniture maker, shop teacher, mechanical engineer, and marriage coach. Erica has poured herself into our children and each day improves her knack for stewarding our home, our relationships, our courage, and our joy.

Our ministry came about when God asked us to share the miraculous healing which He gave to us in our marriage. After 14 years of marriage we’d hit the bottom. We were at our lowest point with daily or hourly conflicts and past pains continually brought back up. For a couple of years we endured the sadness in our home. But it was getting worse. I did a lot of searching for answers and for relief. Although we were both reluctant to participate, God provided the relief we asked Him for.

God sent His healing through a woman who believed in us when we had precious little hope in ourselves. It took a full year of meeting weekly for her to coach us into re-connection. She taught us new and practical skills which we still must use every day. When we are faithful to live these new ways our family flourishes.

This journey of healing took prayer, outside guidance, and practical work. It is not finished but is on-going. If you decide you’d like something better for yourself, your marriage, and your children, we look forward to sharing with you the practical skills which God gave to us.

Some fun details

Our family adventures: bikes, canoes, trails, tents, pools, beaches, skates, ropes, and sails.
Our family culture: meals, stories, popcorn, prayers, garden, songs, woodcraft, chickens, laughter, games, and dancing.